What are hot spots on dogs and how can they be treated?

Expert opinion from Dr. Deeksha Rao
Bachelor of Veterinary Science · 2.6 years of experience · India

Hot spots, also known as acute moist dermatitis, are painful and inflamed skin lesions that can occur in dogs. Trim Hair: Trim the hair around the affected area to allow it to breathe and keep it dry. Cleanse: Gently clean the hot spot with a mild antiseptic solution recommended by your veterinarian. Medication: Apply prescribed topical antibiotics or medications to prevent or treat infection. E-collar: Prevent further licking and scratching by using an Elizabethan collar (E-collar). Identify Underlying Cause: Determine and address the underlying cause, which may include allergies, fleas, or skin irritants. Oral Medication: In severe cases, oral antibiotics or steroids may be prescribed by a veterinarian.

Expert opinion from Dr. Jisha S
Bachelor of Veterinary Science · 3 years of experience · India

Hot spots, also known as acute moist dermatitis, are painful and inflamed skin conditions that can affect dogs due to allergies, bites, or excessive scratching. Treatment involves identifying the cause, trimming fur, gently cleaning the area, and using vet-prescribed medications. Your dog may need a protective collar to prevent further irritation. Consult your vet for testing and treatment if allergies are the issue, and keep your dog clean and dry to prevent recurrences. Always seek your vet's help for further guidance for the best care.

What is cherry eye in dogs and how does it affect them?

Expert opinion from Dr. Jisha S
Bachelor of Veterinary Science · 3 years of experience · India

Cherry eye in dogs happens when a gland in their third eyelid pops out of its normal position and looks like a pinkish lump in the corner of the eye. It can cause discomfort, redness, irritation, and excessive tearing in the affected eye, and if left untreated, it might lead to more severe eye problems. The typical treatment involves surgery to reposition the gland.

Expert opinion from Dr. Deeksha Rao
Bachelor of Veterinary Science · 2.6 years of experience · India

Cherry eye in dogs, scientifically known as nictitans gland prolapse or prolapsed gland of the third eyelid, is a condition where the gland located in the third eyelid (nictitating membrane) protrudes or swells, becoming visible as a red or pink mass in the corner of the eye. Cherry eye can cause several issues for dogs: Eye Irritation: The exposed gland is vulnerable to irritation, leading to discomfort and possible eye infections. Dry Eye: When the gland is not functioning correctly due to cherry eye, it can result in decreased tear production and dry eye (keratoconjunctivitis sicca). Vision Problems: In severe cases or if left untreated, cherry eye can interfere with a dog's vision.

What is mange and how does it affect dogs?

Expert opinion from Dr. Jisha S
Bachelor of Veterinary Science · 3 years of experience · India

Mange is the one of the common skin disease found in dogs caused by mites characterized by intense itching, hair loss, redness, and skin irritation. Two common mites found in dogs are sarcoptic Mange (Scabies) and Demodectic Mange(Demodex).

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Expert opinion from Dr. Deeksha Rao
Bachelor of Veterinary Science · 2.6 years of experience · India

Mange is a cutaneous ailment caused by mites in dogs. Sarcoptic mange (scabies) and Demodectic mange are the two most frequent kinds. Sarcoptic mange is characterized by severe itching, hair loss, redness, and skin irritation. Demodectic mange causes hair loss and scaly skin, and it can be localized or universal. Both forms can be unpleasant and contagious. A veterinarian's timely diagnosis and treatment are critical for managing and alleviating the illness.

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